Cord blood is collected from the umbilical cord or placenta of a newborn. Cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells that give rise to blood cells. These stem cells can be used to treat more than 80+ diseases. However, the decision to preserve the cord blood cells should be taken during pregnancy because the cord blood is collected and preserved soon after the birth of the baby, leaving no time to make decisions then. Cord blood collection is a simple painless procedure.
The umbilical cord is loaded with blood and has 10 times more stem cells than the bone marrow. Cord blood and baby stem cells hardly contain any infectious diseases and are unlikely to be rejected as adult stem cells. Cord blood banking is still a new concept in India. Not many parents are aware of the benefits of cord blood banking. However, certain misconceptions need to be cleared among the general public regarding cord blood banking. New parents must be encouraged to preserve the stem cells from the umbilical cord of their newborn. To make an informed decision the parents should know the details of the process. Like any other process, even cord blood banking has its pros and cons.
Pros of Cord Blood Banking
The banking of stem cells can give you and your family protection against 80+ diseases.
The amount of stem cells that can be obtained from cord blood is more than what you get from the bone marrow of an individual.
Cord blood does not have to match as closely as bone marrow during a transplant.
There are fewer chances of the body rejecting the cord blood compared to bone marrow.
Cord blood stem cells can be effectively used for cancer treatments, mostly blood cancers or any diseases related to blood cells.
Collecting cord blood is a painless and simple procedure.
Cord blood collection poses no threat to the newborn or the mother.
Cord blood banks can freeze and store cord blood for an indefinite time. It means it can be used even after years of preserving it, as and when needed.
Public cord blood banks are usually free.
Private cord blood banking is a paid service but they also give you the authority to decide when and how you want to use the cord blood.
Private blood banks take responsibility for transporting the cord blood to the medical facility when it is needed.
Cons of Blood Banking
An adult may require cord blood from multiple donors in case of a transplant.
Stem cell preservation charges may seem expensive in private cord blood banks.
Hospitals may charge a small fee for collecting the stem cell.
The decision of preserving the cord blood has to be taken early.
The consent for cord blood collection has to be signed before the mother goes into labour.
Not all hospitals are authorised or willing to collect cord blood.
Not everyone is eligible to donate cord blood.
The fees for collection and storage are expensive.
The cons of donating cord blood to a public cord bank are that it may not be available to you and your family members when you need it.